Benefits of Rolfing

BETTER Posture

Firstly, Rolfing can improve posture by adjusting imbalances in the connective tissues. The body can re-organise itself and get the opportunity to make best use of gravity, The body feels supported rather than pulled down. The head, neck, shoulders, thorax, pelvis, legs and feet can align themselves along a vertical line, more balanced. For further information click Click on this short article from the Mayo clinic entitled ‘Why is good posture important?‘,  

EaseD Tensions

Rolfing can release tension and stress on the body by restoring adequate balance in fascial tone and optimal alignment. It can alleviate tensions and pains in the neck, shoulders, back, as well as the hips, legs and feet. Moreover, these improvements can be long-lasting.

IMPROVED Flexibility

Rolfing can resolve unhealthy patterns in the fascial network. After Rolfing, fascia and muscle layers can glide more freely on each others and joint mobility can be enhanced. As a result range of motion can increase and movements be more fluid and graceful.

Injury Prevention AND PERFORMANCE

Better biomechanical transfer of forces through the joints reduces the likelihood of injuries. Better dynamic alignment and integrated kinetic chains of movement improve efficiency and performance. Sports practitioners, dancers, yoga practitioners, martial artists as well as people from all walks of life benefit from Rolfing.

EASE OF BreathinG

There is not only one way to breath. The way we breath is a function of posture, orientation, type of activity, level of fitness, environment and state of mind. Therefore Rolfing aims at facilitating adaptability. This is achieved by improving posture, decompressing the abdomen and enhancing thoracic mobility.

IMPROVED Wellbeing

Body and mind are one. Physical strain tends to dampen the mood and general outlook on life. An increased feeling of stability and support through the ground provides an enhanced sense of security. Clients report more energy, balance, self-assurance and ability to express themselves.

ENHANCED Awareness

Clients re-discover how they feel and experience their own bodies through Rolfing. For example, they become aware of questions that they might never have asked themselves before: How do I breathe, stand, sit and walk? When do I pull up my shoulders? How does my body react when I’m stressed?