The Rolfing 10 Series

The hallmark of Rolfing is known as the 10 Series. It consists of ten sessions which allow to thoroughly address the whole body. The goal is to systematically balance and optimise both the structure (shape) and function (movement) of the entire body. To achieve the highest level of somatic and perceptual integration possible.

Session 1: Opening the breath

Humans breath approximately 22,000 times a day. These repetitions shape our connective tissues and body, which in turn reinforce specific breathing patterns. During the first session we focus on fascial restrictions that prevent full inhalations and exhalations.

Session 2: Ground support & adaptability

The feet are the foundations of posture. Their position and ability to adapt determine the positions of all structures above. Chronic foot pronation or supination cause the pelvis to tilt. This in turn affects the position and curves of the spine. The goal of the Rolfing session is to balance the connective tissues of the feet and legs for achieving support and adaptability.

Session 3: Lateral lines

The third Rolfing session deals with balancing the lateral lines along the entire length of the body. When one lateral line is chronically tighter than the other, the short side makes the body bend and rotate. This can be a cause of disc compression, lower back pain and sacroiliac pain.

Session 4: Mid-line

In the fourth session we address the medial line from the inside arch of the foot up to the leg. The adductors located on the inner compartments of the thighs can be described as the inner anchors of the pelvis. Therefore any imbalance in the adductors affect the orientation of the pelvis. The Session also addresses core stability.

Session 5: Front line

The fifth Rolfing session is concerned with balancing superficial and deep front structures. A short front line pulls the ribs down and prevents full body extension. In walking we aim at the lengthening of the body and movements along a longer kinetic chain. Rotations also occur for a more gracious effortless gait.

Session 6: Back line

Length is not just about the distance between two points. It is also the quality of being able to lengthen and lift to our full potential using gravity for support. In this Rolfing session we work the entire back line from the soles of the feet all the way up to the back of the cranium. 

Session 7: Head & neck

A common pattern is chronic flexion in the lower cervical vertebrae and hyper-extension of the higher cervical vertebrae. This causes chronic tensions in the flexor and extensor muscles of the neck. During the seventh Rolfing session we ease tension in the myofascia structures of the neck, including the sub-occipitals which play a key role in coordinating head, neck and spine. We also address any tension in the jaw, mouth and facilitate opening of the nasal passages. 

Rolfing for back pain

Session 8: Pelvis

From the eighth Rolfing session we begin to integrate all the work and advancements of the previous sessions. The pelvis links the upper and lower segments of the body, supports the spine in a vertical position and allows rotations. To improve these functions, our work is to free and horizontalize the pelvis. We aim at core connection, movement from the lumbo-dorsal joint and contra-lateral movement in walking.

Session 9: Shoulders & arms

The goal of the ninth Rolfing session is to release excess tension in the arms and shoulders. These tensions can contribute to neck pain. In raising the arms the shoulders can remain down. The shoulders move with little participation of the spine and the spine moves independently of arms and shoulders.

Session 10: Integration

In the tenth Rolfing session we aim at bringing the client to the highest level of integration possible and close the series. The session serves to inspire a sense of order and balance. This is a time to reflect on what has been gained from the Rolfing process and what has been accomplished. As the client has found new ways to stand and move, awareness and wellbeing can continue to develop well after the end of the session.