Walking like a Lion: Decompressing the Hip Joints and Spine

Rolfing for lengthening the body and decompressing the hip joints and the spine.

For us humans, being bipedal brings great benefits. However, it also comes with a biomechanical challenge, that is to avoid shortening and compressing the body in our daily activities, particularly in the spine and at the hip joints. Over the years, as we age, certain postural and movement habits can lead to discomfort, pain, osteoarthritic joints and rigidity.

In this video we see a beautiful lioness lengthening its body with grace and fluidity as it walks the earth. Although human biomechanics are different, these animals can be a great source of inspiration in our exploration of movements. 

During a Rolfing session we work together towards restoring fluidity in your movements and finding healthy walking patterns that decompress the body and protect the hip joints. Enjoy the video! 

Alain Zakeossian I Certified Rolfer® 

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