Savasana in Eden…

It was a very special moment at Eden Fitness this morning. Together, in deep meditation, we practiced the yoga posture called Savasana or corpse pose.

The evocation of death may sound grim, however it is the exact opposite.

Indeed, the name is metaphorical and doesn’t refer to physical death but to spiritual death, which in essence is always associated with a rebirth.

When the mind is calm, in deep meditation, one may experience a flash of insight, a profound realisation. 

This is the moment when habitual thought patterns may die and new perspectives arise. But far from being only the end of something this may be a joyful and new beginning!

If you would like to join me in person or via Zoom on Eden TV, here’s my schedule:

– Monday: 8:20am;

– Thursday 5:30pm;

– Friday 9am.

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